Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Been a bit quiet on the blogging front

Yes, I've been a bit quiet on the blogging front. Clearly it has not yet become a habit. I hear, and believe, from experience, that it takes at least three weeks to form habits. Phew, great that I am onto week four of my run app.

So here's an update if I can remember my labels:

Job seeking - I've accepted that two months of not thinking about job seeking was enough of a treat and that I must start the process now. I've started a little spreadsheet to manage what jobs interest me - I was confusing myself before I had even put pen to paper (or rather created documents and tapped the keys).

Here are the columns headings in my spreadsheet:
Organisation, title, term, location, ~ salary, full/part time, selection criteria, resume, covering letter (I just put the document name if created for the last three), date close, date submitted, contact, cull/interview advice, comments.

So while I have five possible jobs on my spreadsheet, I have only applied for one so far - a casual/on-call training job for a community organisation providing job seeking skills training. A tad ironic. But suits my desires at this stage. I dont know if I want to use this year with another full-time and full-on job.

There are so many other things to focus on also:


Running app is going really well. I am half way through and running for a number of blocks of 4 mins, to go up to 5 mins next run. A former colleague says, if you believe you will do. So I have signed myself up for a 4 km fun run on Mothers Day morning for breast cancer and in tribute to my Mother Julie and my friend Carmel. I am so touched to have a running buddy come and join me from Melbourne; my lifelong friend and my family's second daughter. Very fitting (except she is very fit, so will have to slow down and pace herself with me).


Our darling little girl continues to be a delight. We had teenage girls come and stay recently. Carly was obsessed with them, and somewhat despondent when they did what teenagers do and went behind closed doors and slept. To help provide comfort spots for these extra bodies I bought a bean bag chair that opens into a lounge. Carly is obsessed with that too. I dont think any guests are going to get a chance now. We both did so love our young visitors though. And I enjoyed rediscovering Sydney through fresh enthusiastic eyes. Good mindset to be in for my upcoming photography 3 x walk course.

Carly snuggles on her 'beany'


My DSLR course is this weekend. Can't wait, just have to buy myself a tripod (might be good to fit in some time to study the manual too). Prepare yourself family and friends to be bombarded with photos. I've only just discovered the video setting. Carly can't seem to move without being videoed.

Professional development

My e-learning design course has just finished. I am so full of ideas and things to follow up.  We have a follow up date next month where we get to apply our learning and start designing a course in Moodle. So got some serious research and story boarding to do in the next month. Yeah might have to begin with a mind map :)

The using social media for learners course finishes next week. I have explored so many new platforms but still just feel I am touching the surface. I jump in and start using the media and then I get distracted by another. I think I need a whole new set of time and personal management skills in this digital age. Now there is a opportunity....

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