Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Learning how to use my camera

My redundancy gift to myself was a Canon 650D. I LOVE it, but I don't know how to use it off automatic settings and the online tutorials whizz through things so fast.

Much excitement, I've signed myself up for a three evening photography course in April through djb photography school.

Great things:
  • It's for beginners
  • Class size limited to 11
  • I get to rediscover my city
  • It wasn't even expensive
  • Only thing I have to get is a tripod (I'm going to use my gift voucher from my former work).

- Using your camera in manual mode.
- Exposure: F Stops, shutter speed and ISO.
- Manual mode re-cap and review.
- Lens talk, what you need to know.
- White balance.
- Photographic composition.
- Night photography.
- Raw vs jpeg.
- Post production and why it’s important.


  1. Congratulations! Learning to use my camera Properly (ie in manual mode) is one of those eternal to-do list items for me. You take such great photos already, I'm looking forward to seeing what you can do now!
